Located in the heart of the Punjab, Amritsar is Sikhism’s most significant and holy city. Amritsar’s (the city name translates as ‘Pool of the Nectar of Immortality’) main sight is the spectacular Golden Temple which is gilded with 100 kilograms of gold and features a blend of Hindu and Islamic style architecture.

The daily “Going to Bed” ceremony, when the Holy Book is paraded before jostling crowds in a palanquin (a type of sedan chair) before being taken to its nightly resting place is one of the most atmospheric of rituals in the whole of India. We also recommend taking a look at the kitchens where every day volunteers of the Sikh community help in preparing simple meals for up to 35,000 pilgrims who visit the temple each day. Amritsar is also the best place in India from where to drive to the Pakistan border to see the iconic “lowering of the flags ceremony”.

smiling white male wearing a backpack

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