Batang Ai

Malaysia - Borneo (Sarawak)

This beautiful national park is home to one of the world’s most endangered species, the Orang Utan. Besides being home to much other protected wildlife such as hornbill and gibbon, it is also the water catchment area to Sarawak’s only artificial lake. This huge lake stretches up the Engkari and Ai valleys.

Beyond the artificial lake, more than an hour’s boat ride upriver from the dam, visitors can see beautiful lowland mixed dipterocarp forest, with drooping trees overhanging the rivers. The rivers are fast flowing, clear and very refreshing. During dry periods, the water level gets quite low and visitors have to help push their boats upstream – actually a fun experience. Other major attractions upriver are the Iban longhouses where you can stop for lunch. You will experience the authentic longhouse atmosphere as most of the longhouse dwellers still practise their traditional lifestyle.

The Iban also produce excellent rattan handicrafts. The Park is located about 250 km from Kuching City. Hilton Longhouse Resort and several longhouses provide accommodation facilities just outside the park. This park is unique in having the local communities involved in its management. The communities have formed a cooperative ‘Kooperasi Serbaguna Ulu Batang Ai’ and are helping the Forest Department to conserve the park. We use the boating facilities offered by the cooperative as their funds are kept within the community for continued development purposes.

smiling white male wearing a backpack

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