Saint Helena - Oasis Highlights

There are so many highlights in this fascinating country that it is impossible to list them all here. Our travel consultants will discuss your interests and be able to put a specific itinerary together for you, but below are a few must see’s!

Diana’s Peak National Park

The Diana’s Peak National Park was launched in March 1996, encompassing the area of the three peaks, a total area of 81 hectares. It is now part of the National Conservation Areas. Most of the enclosed area is a natural forest, though there still remain many areas of New Zealand Flax that are steadily being cleared.



Jamestown, the capital of Saint Helena, was founded in 1659 by the British East India Company, and the island is still a United Kingdom Overseas Territory. The island is so isolated that it was chosen to be a place of exile for Britain’s political prisoners, including Napoleon. Longwood House, where he lived until his death, still stands. The perilous 699-step Jacob’s Ladder leads up to a stunning view of the island.

smiling white male wearing a backpack

Ready to discuss your trip to Saint Helena?

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